Notes pack – ECDL Standard (MQF 3)
The ECDL Standard notes pack of CMC Training Centre was produced for teaching and learning the knowledge and skills prescribed in the ECDL Standard syllabus. The ECDL Standard notes pack of CMC Training Centre fully prepares students sitting for ECDL Standard – Students studying intensively the ECDL Standard notes pack of CMC Training Centre will have high chances of passing their ECDL Standard exams.
Notes pack – ECDL Expert – (MQF 4)
A sucesfull reult in all ECDL Advanced modules (4 Modules) will provide candidates with the opportunity to be in possesion of the ECDL Expert Certificate, such certificate is refered to Level Four of the Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF 4) and the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) for Lifelong Learning.
The ECDL Advanced notes pack of CMC Training Centre was produced for teaching and learning the knowledge and skills prescribed in the ECDL Advanced syllabus. The ECDL Advanced notes pack of CMC Training Centre fully prepares students sitting for ECDL Advanced – Students studying intensively the ECDL Advanced notes pack of CMC Training Centre will have high chances of passing their ECDL Advanced exams.
Notes pack – Beginners
The beginners notes pack of CMC Training Centre was produced for teaching and learning the knowledge and skills which nowadays have almost became essentials in our lives! The beginners notes pack of CMC Training Centre covers various IT aspects, such as: Social Networking, Entertainment, Word Processing, VoIP (Skype), E-Commerce etc. In addition the beginners notes pack of CMC Training Centre is a stepping stone for students willing to undertake ECDL Standard exams in their future. Students studying intensively the beginners notes pack of CMC Training Centre will become computer competent and they will surely find all the skills learnt useful in their lives.